Susan Cunningham My artwork is about the presence or absence of ‘nature’ within the increasing amount of urban environment we inhabit. This involves documenting my experience as an artist, following the Western tradition of landscape painting from the 18th and 19th century. This can involve drawing and painting in the open air, utilising sketchbooks, creating model landscapes and building artifacts. It is an investigative process and asks questions: what is 'nature' and how do artists contribute and shape ideas about ‘nature' ? The practice is often site specific and embedded in discourses surrounding the construction of landscape and 'nature' including: Lucy Lippard 'The Lure of the Local,' Jean Beaudrillard 'Simulacra and Simulation,' and Hal Foster 'Return of the Real.' Exhibitions Sept 2024. Heritage Open Days. OpenHandOpenSpace, Reading July 2024. 'Condition Blah, Blah, Blah.' Group exhibition. The Turbine House, Reading June & July 2024. Jelly Open for Art Festival. Art Trail. Reading, RG1 Sept 2023. Small Works Exhibition. RGA. The Turbine House, Reading, RG1 May 2023. Condition Critical. OpenHandOpenSpace, Reading May 2022. West Berks & North Hants Open Studios. OpenHandOpenSpace, Reading July 2021. Henley Arts Trail. May 2019. Bournemouth Emerging Arts Fringe Festival. July 2015. Brent Artist Resource black and white exhibition, BAR Gallery, 4-5 Queens Parade, Walm Lane, Willesden Green, London. BAR has since disbanded. February 2015. Brent Artist Resource print exhibition, BAR Gallery, 4-5 Queens Parade, Walm Lane, Willesden Green, London. August 2014. Brent Artist Resource open exhibition, BAR Gallery, 4-5 Queens Parade, Walm Lane, Willesden Green, London. May 2014. I am the Warrior, Juneau Projects. Ort Gallery, Moseley Road, Birmingham. September 2013. Brent Artist Resource open exhibition, Brent Civic Centre, Wembley, London. June 2013. Bucks Open Studios, High Wycombe Museum, High Wycombe, Bucks. January 2013. Brent Artist Resource open exhibition, Willesden Green library centre, London. October 2012. A.L.A.S Autumn 2012 exhibition. A.L.A.S Gallery, Vyner Street, London. June 2010. Bucks Open Studios, Vernon building, High Wycombe, Bucks. July 2009. Eden Art Festival, High Wycombe, Bucks. Nov 2008 - Jan 2009 Special Woods Exhibition, Chiltern Woodlands Project, Henley River and Rowing Museum and the Hat Factory, Luton. Residencies 2018-2019. Funges Meadow nature reserve, High Wycombe, Bucks. September 2012. A.L.A.S Artist Led Art Society. Professional Development Residency, 25b Vyner Street, London, E2 9DG. July 2011. Trilobite Project, Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico. Membership of Artist Organisations 2024. Matt Roberts Arts. 2024 Member, Reading Guild of Artists. 2024. Associate Member, OpenHandOpenSpace, Reading. RG30 1HL. 2024. Associate Member, Jelly Creative Arts, Reading. RG1 7QE. 2024. AN Artists Information Company Education September 2010, MA Fine Art, Birmingham City University. June 2004, Post Graduate Certificate in Education, Reading University. |